Technology’s Impact This Week: December 15th 2017

My weekly summary of developments in information technology. All sources can be found in my Twitter feed: @impactofinfo The podcast is developed for the public and University of Waterloo students in MSci 442, The Impact of Information Systems on Society.

The Future of Democracy

The optimism that the Arab Spring represented the beginning of global democratisation, driven by the internet, has given way to many questions about the future of democracy and the role that information technology will play.  Specifically, what is happening with democracy today, what is likely to happen in the future and how does information technology …

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What Should We Do About Globalisation?

The original post in this blog on Globalisation explained the arguments for and against it. Since then political and economic turbulence in the world have led to increasing discussion of how perceived weaknesses in globalisation can be reduced. Economic difficulties in the European community and market fluctuations, particularly in the price of oil, have focussed …

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The Internet and the Economy

The internet is facilitating change in the economic operation of companies, markets and governments and impacting the lives of those at work and in the rest of their lives. This post looks at the internet and the economy and seeks to understand its impact in a range of areas. Precise measurement of the impact of …

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Week 7: Information Technology and Modern Warfare

Information technology is now permeating thinking about modern warfare in the context of the changing nature of modern conflicts. Since America's defeat in the Vietnam War there has been discussion on what approach countries should take to, what are often perceived as, new forms of warfare. More recently, the experience of Iraq and Afghanistan have …

Continue reading Week 7: Information Technology and Modern Warfare

Week 5: Information Technology and Democracy

The internet was cancelled in Egypt at 5.20 am on January 28th 2011. Statistics of internet traffic to and from Egypt looked like this: CNN reported on the impact that social media was making on the protesters who had taken to the streets in Egypt. The Egyptian crisis followed the recent toppling of the government …

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